Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Baby's Room!

This week, we had Spring Break and my maternity leave began. I also finished studying and taking my comprehensive/preliminary exams last week, and I was so excited to get to the extreme nesting phase and finishing the baby's room. So here it is!

The pictures show the pink that Michael painted the walls as well as the antique milk glass lamps my mom gave us. The crocheted blanket on the chair was made by Michael's grandmother, before she died, for her future great grandchildren. The colors go perfectly with the room and tie it all together!

I am happy with how the curtains balance the pink of the walls and hopefully they will be dark enough to keep out some of the glaring Waco sun.

The really cool artwork was made by my sister Erin. She framed the covers of four classic children's books and decoupaged a mirror with pages of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? I love the way the colors brighten up the room! They really add a unique touch and are the first thing everyone notices in the room.


  1. All it needs now is a baby! We can't wait! I got asked at 18 weeks if I was carrying twins. Not helpful. But now when people ask you when you're due you can nonchalantly say "yesterday." It always makes for some gasps and dropped-jaws.

  2. Oh Denise...I love it all! The curtains, the lamps, the blanket, the pictures, the colors, etc. I especially love knowing that very soon there will be your precious little daughter sleeping soundly in her adorable bedroom. Great job!

  3. Love the curtains, D! You are going to have the most stylish baby ever. I would expect nothing less! :)

  4. So cute D :) Did you make the mirror? The companion to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? and it was the first book that captured Lily's attention. Eric Carle's illustrations are so colorful and captivating.

  5. such a sweet nursery!! and great job, erin, on the art work!
