Sunday, March 25, 2012

She's Almost Here

Tomorrow at 3:45, our induction process begins (unless labor begins before that). It starts with a cervical catheter/balloon and then on Tuesday morning, the induction begins. Please pray it goes well and that labor progresses. Tonight is our last night at home without a baby!


  1. So excited! Sean just told me "the baby might come out today or tomorrow!" Can you post one last pregnancy picture for posterity sake? You're a whole week bigger than the last one posted! Many prayers your way all day today and tomorrow~

  2. Thinking of you and Michael and baby girl Crews!

  3. Take a deep breath, exhale, relax. Enjoy the moment as much as you can. Thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Love ya!

  4. Enjoy tonight! Don't worry! It'll all be fine. Soon and very soon you will be holding your beautiful baby girl in your arms...and your lives will be forever changed! We'll be praying for you.
