Friday, April 20, 2012

Three Weeks Old

Jane is struggling with massive spitting up this week, which is keeping her awake when she's tired and is possibly the cause of increased fussiness.  We're trying a new plan of feeding her for less time and keeping her upright after feedings, including propping up her bed a bit.  It's amazing how much milk can come up and in how many forms.  It's also stealthy; sometimes we don't notice it until it's a dried cascade down our backs or across the furniture.  Any advice on reducing this phenomenon is very welcome!  It seems to be troubling her sleep at night.  She also is much more fussy in the evenings which tends to keep her up and make her overtired, making it hard to go to sleep for the night. She also has developed a little rash on her face. 

In her accomplishments this week, Jane has been holding her head up more than ever.  She seems very strong. Her legs are also strong and she can push with them. Michael likes to make her "run" with his hands and win the race--it's very cute.  She may be an early walker like he was.  She also seems to focus on our faces and likes to look at light out the window. We think that she doesn't really like being swaddled--she resists it with all her might and likes to have her hands free, so we've been experimenting with not swaddling her or just wrapping up her legs. 

We have put together our awesome stroller from our friends in Holland and used it to take Jane on several walks this week, which she really likes.  We will continue to explore our neighborhood and try to find nice routes.  We also took her on a walk in the mall, her first shopping outing!  It was very nice for me to get out of the house a bit. 

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