Friday, July 13, 2012

A Baby at a Baseball Game

We met Michael's family at a Round Rock Express minor league game on July 4.  Janie did not really enjoy her first baseball game.  The PA system was very loud, playing hip hop music so the "breakin' bat boy" could dance for the crowd, and the crowd kept bursting into loud applause.  Janie doesn't do well with loud, sudden noises. We thought she might go to sleep, since the game started around her bed time, but alas, she didn't really get to sleep until we arrived home in Waco around 10:30.  It also threw off her bedtime for the next couple of nights. We didn't really get to watch the game, although I did get to experience nursing in the smokers' area of the ballpark. Janie cried hard. Maybe we should have gotten a babysitter?  At least we got her out of there before the fireworks started. And it was almost worth it because of the cuteness of Jane in a sunhat.


  1. yes, so precious in that sunhat...please stop abusing my granddaughter with those loud noises!

  2. Denise, please excuse my using the comment section to send this info but don't know how else to do it.

    I just finished reading a book entitled "The Girl In the Gatehouse." It was written by Julie Klassen, who loves all things Jane -- "Jane Eyer" and Jane Austen. There are numerous Jane Austen quotes used throughout the book and numerous places where Austen's influence is notable both in characters and in story line.
    I thought you might want to check this out -- Regency Romances are not really my usual reading fare but I did read this one.
    Anita Jessup

  3. Hey Denise! Jane is as adorable as ever! You were brave in taking her to the ball game. Ory is the same way with loud sudden noises. He doesn't like it when people cry, cough too loud, sneeze too loud, or bust into loud fits of laughter. I guess I was the same way, but it makes it hard for going to events like a baseball game, fireworks, etc. I'm sure she'll grow out of it, as I'm hoping Ory does too! :o)
